This is a Json tool plugin that aims to convert Json strings into Unreal Engine's UStruct and supports both Blueprint and C++.

Main API

Used in Blueprints:

  1. Struct To Json Object String Used to convert UStruct to Json object string, which can be a blueprint structure or a UStruct defined in C++ (needs to be marked by BlueprintType macro).


  2. Struct Array To Json Object String Used to convert a UStruct array to a Json object string, which can be a blueprint structure or a C++ defined UStruct (needs to be marked by the BlueprintType macro).


  3. Json String To Struct Used to convert a Json object string to a UStruct, which can be a blueprint structure or a C++ defined UStruct (needs to be marked by the BlueprintType macro).


  4. Json String To Struct Array Used to convert a Json object string into a UStruct array, which can be a blueprint structure or a C++ defined UStruct (needs to be marked by the BlueprintType macro).


Use in C++

The structure used in the test:


  1. UJsonToolLibrary::StructToJsonObjectString Used to convert UStruct to Json object string, UStruct defined in C++ (needs to be marked by BlueprintType macro).


  2. UJsonToolLibrary::StructArrayToJsonObjectString Used to convert UStruct array to Json object string, UStruct defined in C++ (needs to be marked by BlueprintType macro).


  3. UJsonToolLibrary::JsonObjectStringToStruct Used to convert Json object string to UStruct, UStruct defined in C++ (needs to be marked by BlueprintType macro).


  4. UJsonToolLibrary::JsonArrayStringToUStructArray Used to convert a Json object string into a UStruct array, UStruct defined in C++ (needs to be marked by the BlueprintType macro).
